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Are we now able to communicate telepathically?

Most of us live in a world, where innovation is a common thing, new technology arrives, changing our lives for better or worse. Has technology reached a new level, where people are able to communicate with each other using only their thoughts, or in other words are people able to communicate telepathically?


Let’s talk about a brain-to-brain network, or a BrainNet, as the lab who created this calls it. It allows three humans to work together on a task, by only using their brainwaves or their thoughts. For now, three people have used it to play a game similar to Tetris, except it involves three humans.

Student Behind the Books

Image if our teacher could tell us all the information without a word

The goal of tetris very briefly is simply not to lose. As you can see in the image, blocks of various but same shapes fall down, and eventually a block will touch the ceiling, and when that happens you lose, the longer you survived the more points you have. To survive longer, you can clear lines, and to do so you must have completely filled at least one horizontal row.

Two of them are “senders”, so their thoughts would be read and will sent to the “receiver”. The senders have the game screen on which the Tetris game is being displayed, the receiver cannot see the game screen, and this is why the senders will have to communicate to the receiver what to do. For example, the senders can choose, if they would like to rotate the block that is falling down in the Tetris game, and they choose by thinking, the system will try to understand what the person is thinking, and so it will send a “flash” to the receiver. When the receivers gets a flash, they will know, that they should rotate the block.

Does this mean that we are now able to communicate telepathically?

From what it seems, the answers seems to be yes. We are able to communicate telepathically using technology, and the technology will continue to improve. Would you want your thoughts to be communicated to other people?
Well, I personally would not like that, because your mind is the only one, big, debatably

Well, I personally would not like that, because your mind is the only one, big, debatably safe, personal area one has, and I don’t look forward to the time where my personal area becomes a public area.

Written by: Carrotlover11🥕



Jiang, et al. “BrainNet: A Multi-Person Brain-to-Brain Interface for Direct Collaboration Between Brains.” [Astro-Ph/0005112] A Determination of the Hubble Constant from Cepheid Distances and a Model of the Local Peculiar Velocity Field, 23 Sept. 2018,

Irving, Michael. “First Direct Brain-to-Brain ‘Social Network’ Is a True Meeting of Minds.” New Atlas - New Technology & Science News, New Atlas, 1 Oct. 2018,

“Tetris.” Flickr, Yahoo!, 18 Feb. 2007,

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