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Genius Hour is an enrichment activity where students can express their passions and what they want to learn about. It is a fun and interesting way to create a mesmerizing project which would then be displayed to the school. This allows students’  fellow learners to view and learn new things in addition to solving problems that affect our extraordinary universe.

The most outstanding thing about this activity is the fact that you have a choice to do whichever topic you want. Best of all, it permits you to make the school a better place. In this case, we chose to make a scrapbook about marine life; in particularly dolphins and seals.  We decided to consider learning more about these fascinating marine creatures because we love the tricks they do and how absolutely adorable they are.

Why Should YOU Join Genius Hour?


Genius Hour is a breath-taking activity in which you get to express your unique self and find out more about your passions while sharing them with the rest of our community.  We researched and found plenty of facts and pictures of the mysterious marine life lying beneath the ocean. Our main focus is seals and dolphins (something which we will learn about later and ultimately, show smaller kids as well as the whole school.)

When is Genius Hour in ISC?


You can find Genius hour in the physics lab every Thursday after lunch for 25 min, as an enrichment activity, so that you can enjoy your break before you come. There we are supported by Ms. Pearce, who helps us with every problem we have during our journey of inquiry.

How Do YOU Create Your Own Project?


The first step to making your creation is to create a Shark Tank Pitch with your main ideas as to why, how and what you are going to make the project for and how you are going to know if this is going to be a success. Then, you have to create your key question. Something which is the most crucial part of your project. The next step is to make a timeline, which shows when you will complete your idea. After these 3 main steps, you can start to create your masterpiece! We decided to research, then get the necessary materials and begin to construct our scrapbook about marine life…

Why is Genius Hour fun?


Well, you’re probably thinking, “Genius Hour = boredom, right?!”. Actually, no. During this enrichment club, we have lots of fun while still working effectively and reaching our timeline goals. We find out a million (well, not literally) new things and learn tons about our interests.  

Genius Hour… How Do I Join?

Next term, hopefully, Genius Hour will still be available and you are free to sign up starting from January. We hope that you will have loads of fun and enjoy this amazing experience!


Did this article convince you to join Genius hour enrichment time?  If yes, that’s great, we can’t wait to have a full club helping the school and the ISC community.
Our goal?  To change the world and to make it a better place in a fun and interesting way. This club needs YOUR help and YOUR wonderful ideas. We will be waiting for you, hope you join!

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