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The MYP1 International Humanities class were given a mysterious instruction last week: 'Bring a potato, cut in half, to Geography class'.

Some students thought we were going to have a cooking lesson (and were hoping for crispy roast potatoes) while others thought we were going to make designs with potato prints. In the end, the results were just as satisfying. (Well, not as satisfying as roast potatoes. Nothing compares to roast potatoes!)

Firstly, students were shown how to draw a series of dots, all one centimeter from the base. Then, they had to connect those dots in a straight line, all around the potato. From there, they had to draw more dots, one centimeter from that line and connect those. Can you guess what we were drawing?  

Once they had drawn all their lines, students were told to stand up and look down on their potato to get an aerial view. They then had to draw the 3D potato, with its lines, onto a piece of paper. By this stage, the students had guessed: they had made a contour map of Mount Potato!

With thanks to Mrs. Turner for the brilliant idea!

Written by anonymous

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