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Secret Santa

Gifts Under the Tree

How Secret Santa Works


Secret Santa is a fascinating and fun way of exchanging gifts during the Christmas time. Every person from the group of the players gets to buy a present for another person anonymously. Often the secret Santa draws a name out of the hat and in this way you understand for whom you should buy the present for. In most versions of the game, you try to guess who your secret Santa is.


History of Secret Santa


Secret Santa is a western tradition. A man who works for a charity named Larry Dean Stewart is thought to be “the original secret Santa”, who came up with the idea of anonymously giving presents to other people. For more than 25 years now this fabulous man has been secretly donating $100 bills to people in Kansas. He only came up with this idea in 2006. This game is now the most common in America but it’s known all around the world. The only difference? Every country has a different name for this tradition-- In Ireland, Secret Santa is translated to Kris Kringle

Santa's Love

Secret Santa Around The World


Around the world, people have created different Secret Santa variations as well as loads of fun and interesting ways to play it. Here are a few options…


  1. White Elephant/Thieving Secret Santa


In this version, participants bring a gift each (it has to be potentially suitable for all the players)The gifts should be wrapped in such a way as to disguise them. The provider of each gift should not be seen when setting up the game. Players take turns and can either open a new gift or steal a previously opened gift.


     2. Guessing Santa    

Each player brings a gift for their assigned person with a letter containing hints as to who is the Secret Santa. Then the person has to guess who gave them the present.



     3. Secret Casino Santa

In this version, each person buys a gift for a specific amount of money, not for an assigned person. Each person also puts in a specific amount of money into a pot. Who goes first in gift selection can be determined by random selection. The options are:

  • Choose yourself a gift

  • Do not choose a gift, and go for money in the pot.

  • Put your name in to win all the unwanted gifts by those who went for Option 2.

At the end of the game, the gifts that were chosen are opened and the winner of the money and leftover gifts is drawn.


     4. Secret Santa Online

The Secret Santa tradition is also becoming extremely popular online. Now, there are Secret Santa Generators which allow you to assign the person you are going to give the gift to without meeting and performing the pot tradition. You can even send parcels to people around the world. Isn’t that interesting?

Secret Santa at ISC


Secret Santa is a western tradition. A man who works for a charity named Larry Dean Stewart is thought to be “the original secret Santa”, who came up with the idea of anonymously giving presents to other people. For more than 25 years now this fabulous man has been secretly donating $100 bills to people in Kansas. He only came up with this idea in 2006. This game is now the most common in America but it’s known all around the world. The only difference? Every country has a different name for this tradition-- In Ireland, Secret Santa is translated to Kris Kringle

Written by: Miny and Anika


“Kris Kringle Variations (A.k.a. Secret Santa).” The Gracious Host, 1 Dec. 2010,​

Redazione. “Le Top Model Più Pagate Del 2018.” VanityFairit, VanityFair, 15 Dec. 2018,

“Secret Santa.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Dec. 2018,

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